Hutton Parker Foundation Application Questions

Pam Lewis shared the questions that will be on the Core Support application, which opens on April 4th.  Note that they accept only the first 30 qualified and complete applications. The questions can be found below or at this link:


The application will include a section on basic org & contact info and mission statement. 

The narrative section will focus on:

  1. Organizational Snapshot: Please provide an overall description of the organization at this time – past, present, and future – addressing specific strategic planning activities, organizational capacity building, current operational plans and financial sustainability.
  2. Strategic Planning: Does the organization have a formal strategic plan? How was this plan created (internal, external consultant, Board developed, etc.). What are the top level goals outlined in that plan and where is the organization in terms of achieving those goals?
  3. Timing: Why is a core support grant critical at this time? Specifically, how will core support funding be utilized? What outcomes is the organization trying to achieve and how would this support help in achieving those strategic goals?
  4.  Sustainability: How does the organization plan to sustain support once funded beyond the grant period?

The financial section will require current financial statements and a copy of your 990. 


Per Pam, word count is 500 words per response.

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