Santa Barbara County

Foundation Roundtable Portal

Greetings and welcome to the private communication portal designed exclusively for Foundation Roundtable members. Within this hub, you will have access to resources including:

  • Essential Documents: Roundtable documents such as meeting minutes, financial reports, and a repository of shared sample documents essential for foundation management.
  • Discussion Forum: Engage in conversations with fellow members on topics of shared interest.
  • Member Directory: Connect with fellow Roundtable members and keep up with their foundation’s work.

The Foundation Roundtable was established in September 1991 by representatives of several local foundations to advance and support philanthropy in Santa Barbara County in the following ways:

  • Sharing information of mutual interest
  • Informing members regarding the needs of the community and emerging issues
  • Improving grantmaker-grantseeker cooperation and communication
  • Encouraging collaboration and new approaches to solving community problems
  • Helping to focus and coordinate community-wide interest in projects dealing with a specific area of need

Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, & Recordings

In each folder you will find links to 2024 meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings. 

In each folder you will find links to 2023 meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings. 

In each folder you will find links to 2022 meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings. 

Here you will find our archive of meeting minutes from 2001 - 2022.

Key Documents

The Foundation Roundtable Bylaws

Article I


The Foundation Roundtable was established in September 1991 by representatives of several local foundations to advance and support philanthropy in Santa Barbara County in the following ways:

  • Sharing information of mutual interest
  • Informing members regarding the needs of the community and emerging issues
  • Improving grantmaker-grantseeker cooperation and communication
  • Encouraging collaboration and new approaches to solving community problems
  • Helping to focus and coordinate community-wide interest in projects dealing with a specific area of need
Article II


Membership Criteria

Consideration for membership in The Foundation Roundtable shall be given to those who meet the following criteria:

  • Organization must be a private, or community foundation or the funder of a donor advised fund that fits membership criteria.
  • Foundation must distribute at least $100,000 annually within Santa Barbara County.
  • Foundation must have more than a single recipient base and not have a political nature. (i.e., youth is acceptable, a specific museum is not a fit)
  • Membership is limited to two representatives from each foundation until the membership deems a reason exists to further limit the number of members.
  • There are annual dues, which shall be established and reviewed from time to time by a vote of the majority of members present at the monthly meeting.
  • Regular attendance is expected.

Membership Process

  • Any member may recommend a prospective member.
  • A prospective member shall submit a foundation profile form.
  • When a prospective member has attended a regular monthly meeting, the Executive Committee shall review the form for criteria for membership and extend an invitation to membership.

Article III


Section 1. Number and Qualification

The officers of the Roundtable shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers as the members of the Roundtable may, from time to time, appoint. All of the officers shall be selected from the Roundtable membership.

Section 2. Election and Term of Office

The officers of the Roundtable shall be elected annually by the membership of the Roundtable, at the regular fall Annual Meeting. Vacancies may be filled at any meeting of the Roundtable.

Section 3. President

The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Roundtable. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Roundtable, and shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the Roundtable. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.

Section 4. Vice-President

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice-President shall have such other powers and duties as maybe assigned by the Roundtable.

Section 5. Secretary

The Secretary shall oversee the preparation and presentation of the monthly minutes for the Roundtable. The Secretary may also be requested to prepare correspondence for the Roundtable from time to time.

Section 6. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accounting of all monies of the Roundtable. The Treasurer shall have such additional powers and duties as may be assigned by the Roundtable. The books and records of account shall be open to inspection by members of the Roundtable.

Article IV


Section 1. Standing Committees

Executive Committee:

  • The members of the Roundtable may designate the officers to constitute an executive committee, and may delegate to such committee, any of the powers and authority of the Roundtable, with the exception of amendment or repeal of the Bylaws.

Nominating Committee:

  • The members of this committee shall review and select a slate of officers to recommend to the membership for a vote before the fall annual meeting. Members of this committee may also be asked to meet with prospective members and review criteria of membership

Agenda Committee

  • The work of this committee is to recommend agenda content and appropriate presenters for the regular monthly meetings, to address the interests of the membership.

Section 2. Additional Committees

The President may, from time to time, create ad hoc committees with specific areas of interest, to respond to the needs of the Roundtable.

Article V


These Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting at a regular monthly meeting. No action shall be taken to amend the Bylaws without prior written notice to the membership before a vote is taken.

Adopted 6/7/01

Amended 4/5/18

Affinity Group Documents

This group is open to any member who is interested in discussing topics related to education. This group’s activities will include sharing resources, passing along information, or bringing in speakers from specific organizations. Contact Patricia Madrigal at if you are interested in joining. 

This group is open to any member who is interested in discussing topics related to foundation administration. At meetings, we share resources and ideas related to topics such as staffing, best practices, trust-based philanthropy, grant contracts, software, grant selection, finance, and much more. Contact Carly Bass at or Tina Frontado at if you are interested in joining. 

This group is open to any member who is interested in discussing topics related to education. This group’s activities will include sharing resources, passing along information, or bringing in speakers from specific organizations. Contact Patricia Madrigal at if you are interested in joining. 

Foundation Shared Resources

This is an archive of resources shared amongst Foundation Roundtable members. Below you will find links to folders for their corresponding resource category. Please feel free to add your own resources to Google Drive (any file type) by clicking the links below. Note, if you would link to share a link to a webpage, first add the link to a Word Doc or Google Doc. 

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