Workshop: Keep Our Kids Safe

Free, Online only
Organizer: Santa Barbara Alliance for Community Transformation (SB ACT)

Virtual Workshop: Keep Our Kids Safe: Prevent Human Trafficking in SB County

Learn about the reality of human trafficking in Santa Barbara County, local survivor stories, myths & realities about trafficking, how to recognize the warning signs and respond. (We have added an extra 15 min window for Q&A at the end for those who want to stay on longer.) Spanish interpretation is provided. FREE Virtual Webinar. Please share this with others (parents, grandparents, students, teachers, coaches, etc.


THURS, MAR 17 – 9:30am-10:45am

TUES, APR 12 – 12pm-1:15pm

SUN, MAY 15 – 5pm-6:15pm (ideal for students, ages 14+)

Please register to receive the Zoom link!

Presented by YouthWell, the North County Rape Crisis and Child Protection Center, and the Santa Barbara County Human Trafficking Task Force

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