Mulch Day | Post Alisal Fire Habitat Restoration

COST: [free]
Organizer: Santa Barbara County Trails Council
Posted by:Trails Council

In the wake of the Alisal Fire, work is ongoing to get the Baron Ranch trails open to the public in early May. The trails are closed until then. The bridge contractor replaced the deck of the fire-damaged bridge in late February. The greening of the canyons is starting to help stabilize the burnt landscape. Now is a great time to help the native plant habitat adjacent to the entryway recover from the fire.

One of the best ways to help young native plants get a strong start is to add mulch around them to help hold moisture in the ground and cut down on invasive plants. So, if you are looking for a way to spend more time in nature, with ocean and mountain views, please join us this Saturday. We will be spreading mulch around baby native plants using pitchforks, rakes, and shovels. We will also water about 100 native plants.

In addition to Saturday’s event, we will be watering the native plants every two weeks until the fall rainy season starts.

  • Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, and eye protection (sunglasses are okay). Wear long pants and sturdy shoes (no sandals or shorts).
  • Please be at the gate by 9 am or earlier to sign waivers and attend our brief safety and tool talk.
  • Bring your work gloves.

We will have tools available, but feel free to bring your pitchfork, shovel, trowel, or wheelbarrow.


WILD AND SCENIC: Baron Ranch provides important breeding, nesting, and foraging areas for sensitive species and other wildlife present at the ranch including bobcat, deer, black bear, coyote, mountain lion, rattlesnake, raccoon, migratory birds, frogs, turtles, and several species of raptors.

Contact Mark Wilkinson ( or visit to be notified for future events. Also, consider joining our Outdoor Volunteers Meet-up group at

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