The Environmental Defense Center is more than a law firm, representing grassroots charitable organizations to preserve what makes this such a special place to live, work and play. We work in the public interest and empower individuals and organizations to participate in efforts to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy this bounty, long after we are gone.
Green & Blue: A Coastal Celebration, is the Environmental Defense Center’s biggest fundraiser of the year, taking place in the beautiful gardens at Rancho La Patera & Stow House in Goleta, CA. This event brings together around 500 guests from across the tri-county region. At Green & Blue, we celebrate the many accomplishments this organization has achieved over the years and raise critical funds to ensure EDC remains strong to protect this region for those who love it now and those who will follow in our footsteps. Green & Blue will have a silent auction packed full of unique items, an exciting live auction, a short program with Environmental Heroes, and delicious food and beverages. We look forward to celebrating together.
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