
Coffee With A Black Guy presents Processing Loss: A conversation on mental health and the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 deaths on BIPOC communities

Organizer: CWABG
Posted by:WaveComm

CWABG founder James Joyce III, will be joined in conversation by Michael Cruse, Bereavement Services Manager for Hospice of Santa Barbara who will offer a “Human” perspective and the role of “Culture” on the subject of bereavement and mourning.  That couple with the impacts of several highly visible cultural losses and the processing of loss throughout our history – think Strange Fruit, provides context for an engaging and enlightening conversation about processing loss and grief. 

Event sponsors include: 

Hospice of Santa Barbara

Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association

Red Canary Collective and Oniracom

The event is FREE and will be hosted via Zoom, registration is required. *RSVP at


Date: Wednesday, January 26th

Time: 7:00 p.m. via Zoom

Price: FREE

Register Link:

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