Welcome to the 2024 Grant Center
Grant Selection 0 replies 0 likes 0 votes 4 viewsThe Santa Barbara Grant Center was created through a partnership between NPRN and The Write Team. The Grant Center is a resource to help you effectively manage your grants program. We offer a centralized location that has most everything you need to know about the most prominent funders in Santa Barbara. Our tracking tool, database, and grant writer directory help grant writers do their jobs more easily!
Please note: The Funder Database no longer has grant deadlines within the funder profiles. Deadlines can now ONLY be found on the grants tracker. Downloadable templates can now be found in the Google Drive funder folders; links to folders can be found on the tracker and in each funder profile on the database. (Note that not all funders will have downloadable information available.)
If you have any questions, corrections, or information to share, please email heather@thewriteteam.net
Visit the Grant Center webpage here.