Hutton Parker Foundation Announces Quick Response Crisis Grant Program

The Thomas Fire and the ensuing Montecito Mudflows have delivered a disaster to Santa Barbara that hasn’t been felt since the 1925 earthquake.  Lives lost, property destroyed and many local businesses under server economic pressure.

This is certainly a time to mourn the loss of all that has happened, but now is also a time for foundations to use all of their resources to help with the healing process.

Hutton Parker Foundation is helping both with our time and funding, to be a catalyst for others within our community, to raise funds and to help both victims and first responders to rebuild, restore and heal from the impact of these recent events.

We are committed to helping our nonprofit community to provide much needed services while remaining sound through this major event in our community.  Hutton Parker Foundation is making immediately available $1,000,000 in grants to our nonprofit community to both bridge financial short falls due to the prolonged disasters and to help with the added demand for services.  A short, one page application has been developed to expedite approval and a plan to provide financial resources available immediately.  Once the initial $1,000,000 funds has been depleted, our Board will determine if even more resources are needed.

We are also working with Women’s Economic Ventures to help develop and fund a plan to keep some of their small business clients operating during these prolonged tragic events.

This is a time for all foundations to share resources and work together to solve current major problems as well as any long term lingering effects.  The Santa Barbara Foundation, together with many local private and national foundations, is already working to bring additional resources to help rebuild our community.

I am so saddened by all that has happened, but also realize that events like this define our purpose.  Now more than ever, Hutton Parker Foundation is committed to our nonprofit sector and to our community to help begin the healing and rebuilding for a better and stronger sector and community!

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