Join us Opening Night Oct. 6 at Bacara for the 5th Anniversary of NatureTrack Film Festival. Event begins at 6:30pm and will end around 10pm. Screening “Wild Waters” bookended with receptions to celebrate the fifth year milestone.
This great little festival is curated with a focus on nature and outdoor-related films – its tag line is Igniting Passion for Nature Through Film. The program will include both feature-length and short films in a wide variety of genres and subjects including documentary, narrative, animation, experimental, conservation, outdoors adventure, student films, and more.
Sue Eisaguirre, Founder and Executive Director stated, “Environmental concerns are in the forefront of our community’s collective conscience, and I believe this festival will further inform all those interested in the natural world about other people who are doing great things around the world.
Finding like-minded people on the planet is a healing balm for all of us.” She continued,”We’re so grateful to The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County as our Presenting Sponsor this year. They’ve been a partner with us since 2011.”
Photo Credit of Wild Waters: Carl Zoch
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