
Feather Trails: A Journey of Discovery Among Endangered Birds

COST: [Free]
Organizer: Santa Barbara Audubon Society and Friends of California Condors Wild and Free
Posted by:Christy


Wednesday, October 16 | Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Fleischmann Auditorium | 7:00 p.m. | Free
Presented by the Santa Barbara Audubon Society and Friends of the California Condor Wild and Free

Courtesy of Chaucer’s Bookstore, books by Sophie Osborn will be available for purchase and signing at the event.

Birds are visible, vocal sentinels that alert us to environmental harms through their declining numbers or their failure to thrive. In this illustrated lecture, based on her new book Feather Trails – A Journey of Discovery Among Endangered Birds, Sophie Osborn will share her personal experiences reintroducing endangered Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors to the wild. She’ll talk about the triumphs and tribulations of being a wildlife biologist and explore the threats that imperil these birds – threats that are harmful to us, too. 

book cover of Feather Trails

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