Hear personal experiences with mental health conditions and their impact on individuals, families, friends, and our community. Join us as we seek to gain understanding and increase support for behavioral health in our families and community. Spanish interpretation provided.
- Tom Franklin, President, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Santa Barbara County; NAMI Family to Family and education series leader; retired from Santa Barbara County Fire Department
- Marie Corbin, APRN (retired), ED, Certified Medical Peer Support Specialist, Founder and Executive Director of Project Heal of Santa Barbara; Chair of South County Recovery Learning Communities Guidance Council
- Kayla Rosen, MD, Psychiatrist, UCSB Student Health Service; formerly with County of Santa Barbara Department of Behavioral Wellness; Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics; and board member of Doctors without Walls, Santa Barbara
Deb Karoff, Justice & Equity Team, Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, retired from UCSB Student Affairs and Academic Senate; former board member of various non-profits.
Open to the public for in-person attendance at Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara, and online via Zoom Link: bit.ly/LWVSBForum
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