Grant Proposal Writing (Fees vary per proposal)
Compose all, or part, of your organization’s grant proposal. Facilitation of planning meetings and project task completion timetable are included in grant writing services. Comprehensive editing of your draft proposal is part of our full service, and is also offered as a stand-alone critique of drafted proposals.
External Review and Editing ($3500-$4500 per proposal)
For draft proposals created by your agency or to review an unsuccessful proposal, we offer comprehensive review and editing services of your proposal before it is submitted. All edits are aligned with the specific requirements of your grant to maximize the probability of successful funding for your organization.
External Evaluation ($9000/yr)
External evaluation services provide a third party annual evaluation on the use of awarded funds and provides support to meet the reporting requirements of funders. Our team makes regional referrals as well as retains an expert panel of successful external evaluators available for our clients.