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Hutton Parker Foundation strives to provide organizational sustainability to community-based nonprofit organizations throughout Santa Barbara County and to assist agencies in achieving their highest level of performance and delivery of services resulting in stronger, more efficient communities for all. The Foundation specializes in providing quality office space for local area nonprofit organizations through the acquisition and development of commercial real estate properties.

Pamela Lewis

26 West Anapamu Street, 4th Floor, , Santa Barbara, CA, 93101

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Core Support Grants, Media Grants, Endowment Grants, Program Related Investments & Collaborative Community Partnerships

$5,000 - $100,000

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Arts / Culture & Humanities, Education, Environment, Families, Health, Human Services, Public & Societal Benefit, Recreation & Sports, Seniors, Social Services, Women, Youth Development
Santa Barbara County - All

Hutton Parker Foundation has adopted an on-line application process for all funding opportunities. Please visit our website at for current policies, procedures, deadlines and other pertinent information.GRANT Focus Areas Guided by the mission established by our founder, Betty Hutton, Hutton Parker Foundation primarily focuses on making grants to assist organizations that work in the areas of:Arts & Culture Children, Youth & Families Civic & Community Education Health & Human Services. The Foundation gives the highest priority to activities that provide greater access to people who are economically disadvantaged and underserved. Of particular interest to the Foundation are applications that specifically address the needs of low-income children and youth, older adults, and people affected by disabilities and homelessness. The Foundation also funds activities that benefit the general community and improve the quality of life for all individuals in Santa Barbara County. Geographic Area of Grant Focus: Grant awards are limited to organizations headquartered in Santa Barbara County.Applicant Eligibility: Organizations certified as tax exempt under Section 501(c) 3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and classified as ‚not a private foundation‚Äù under Section 509 (a) are eligible for funding.Grants are not made:‚ To organizations discriminating against certain groups or individuals in the delivery of programs and services on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientations or disability.‚ For propagandizing, influencing legislation and/or elections, promoting voter registration; for political candidates, political campaigns; for litigation.‚ For social or political issues outside the United States of America.‚ To individuals.‚ To federated appeals or for the collection of funds for redistribution to other nonprofit groups.‚ For conferences, workshops, temporary exhibits, travel, surveys, films or publishing activities.‚ For research.Grants are generally not approved for:‚ National organizations without a local chapter operating within Santa Barbara County.‚ Projects or programs normally financed by government sources.‚ Refugee or religious programs or consumer interest.Grant Opportunities & Deadlines:Please visit website for detailed information and application deadlines for the following Grant Opportunities. Core Support, Media/Marketing Grants, Endowment Grants & Program Related Investments.

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